Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Kuhlthau and ISP

This article was a bit overwhelming at first, but I felt pretty comfortable with its contents by the end. And so goes the information search process (ISP). I found lots of great points in the article and by the end I was feeling pretty confident in my current state of research...l which is definitely at the early stages of confusion. I'm not so confused about the topic itself, but I don't have a very clear picture of how my research will be presented in the end or what form my project will take. I was relieved in reading Belkin's idea the information need is "The gap between the user's knowledge about the problem or topic and what the user user needs to know to solve the problem" and that that gap is large in the early stages of research and progressively smaller as the research continues. That means that my current concerns, lack of knowledge, and large information gap put me right on track to completing a super A+ research project!

I really could relate to the idea that confidence increases with focus and how the two relate throughout the ISP process at initiation, midpoint, and closure.

This introduction to information from a scholarly perspective is really interesting to me. I was expecting a lot of database management and web design in info science, but I never considered such a wide scale evaluation of the research process to be a part of the curriculum.

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